What Does the Bible Say About Artificial Intelligence? Does the Bible Mention Artificial Intelligence?

Questions about the relationship between faith and science are becoming more pertinent in today’s fast-paced society where technology is developing at an unparalleled rate. The most notable example of this overlap is in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which is continually expanding the capabilities of machines.

Questions of faith and philosophy frequently come up while discussing AI. People are curious as to what the Bible, which serves as the basis for many theological traditions, has to say about artificial intelligence. Does it even mention it? No matter one’s technical or theological background, this blog article seeks to address this subject in a way that is simple to understand.

Technology and the Bible: An Overview

Understanding the Bible’s overall position on technology is crucial before delving into the specifics of what it may or may not say about AI. The Bible does mention human creativity and technology, despite having been written thousands of years ago. Consider how people attempted to construct a structure that would reach the heavens when they built the Tower of Babel or Noah’s ark. The Bible does provide rules regarding the ethics and values linked with human endeavor, even though it does not necessarily touch on technology as we currently understand it.

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

The imitation of human intelligence by machines is known as artificial intelligence, for those who are unfamiliar with the term. In other terms, it involves teaching robots or computers to think and learn similarly to people. The voice assistant on your smartphone is just one example of an application, but there are also sophisticated algorithms that can diagnose illnesses and forecast natural disasters.

Does the Bible Mention AI?

The short answer is no; neither does the Bible specifically address robots, artificial intelligence, or anything else closely similar to contemporary technology. However, there are numerous themes and tales in the Bible that cause us to consider the moral ramifications of creating “intelligent” beings or imitating human traits in machines.

Creation and Creator

One of the most famous stories in the Bible is the creation story in Genesis. God creates man in His image, and later, man starts to build and create on his own. This relationship between the Creator and the created raises interesting questions when applied to AI. When humans develop machines that can think and make decisions, what is the ethical responsibility of humans as creators?

Free Will and Morality

Free will and the concept of morality are significant themes in the Bible. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve exercised their free will to eat the forbidden fruit, which led to consequences. When we develop AI systems with the ability to make decisions, questions about free will, morality, and accountability become increasingly relevant. If an AI system makes a decision that has ethical or moral implications, who or what is held accountable?

The Idolatry Question

Another biblical theme that can relate to AI is idolatry, the worship of idols or images as gods. In the Bible, idol worship is strongly discouraged and considered sinful. If society starts to rely heavily on AI, treating it as an infallible god-like entity, would that be akin to idolatry? While this is more of a philosophical question than a theological one, it does provide food for thought.

Wisdom and Knowledge

The Bible places a high value on wisdom and knowledge but also warns against the dangers of seeking knowledge without understanding or wisdom. As AI systems grow smarter and more capable, there’s a temptation to let them make decisions on our behalf. However, should we question whether these machines possess wisdom, as the Bible defines it, to make morally and ethically sound choices?

Ethical and Social Implications

The development of AI brings about various ethical and social implications that resonate with biblical themes:


The Bible often speaks about social justice and the responsibility to care for the less fortunate. The rise of AI could potentially widen the gap between the rich and the poor. If society isn’t careful, AI could be another tool that exacerbates inequality, a concept often warned against in biblical texts.

Sanctity of Life

The Bible places a high value on the sanctity of life. As AI systems become increasingly integrated into sectors like healthcare and public safety, we must consider the implications for human life and dignity.

Environmental Stewardship

The Bible talks about humans being stewards of the Earth. As AI continues to grow, its environmental impact can’t be ignored. How does the mass production and operation of AI technologies align with the biblical call for environmental stewardship?


While the Bible does not explicitly mention artificial intelligence, its themes and teachings provide a robust framework for examining the ethical, moral, and social implications of this emerging technology. From issues of creation and free will to questions of idolatry and wisdom, the Bible offers insightful guidelines that can help believers and society at large navigate the complex landscape of AI.

As technology continues to advance, these questions will only become more relevant. Whether you’re a person of faith, a tech enthusiast, or just someone interested in the ethical implications of AI, the Bible offers a wealth of wisdom to consider as we move into an increasingly automated future.

So, the next time you find yourself marveling at the latest AI innovation, you might also want to consider what ancient scriptures might say about modern dilemmas. It’s a conversation that is as fascinating as it is necessary, blending the old with the new in a dialogue that could shape the ethical foundation of future technologies.

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